Smart Building Italia events

Smart Building Italia events
Smart Building Italia events

The Smart Building platform's B2B communication and training activities include Fairs and Roadshows: references to the program 2019.

L’Agenda 2019 includes trade fairs and roadshows on the topics of home and building automation, energy efficiency and smart cities.

Smart Building Roadshow. Roma, Tuesday 4 June 2019 ore 9 (program and registration). Construction 4.0, BIM, BEMS, gang ultras, energy efficiency and new home automation addressed in four stages: Milano, Vicenza, Roma, Bari.

Smart Installer. Bari, 23 maggio, Vicenza 26 June. Professional development forum.

Smart Building Conference. Milano, 18 June. Program and registration to seminars and conferences. Free event.

Smart Building Expo, Milano, 13-15 November. Important fair for the security sector, with themes extended to intelligent buildings: smart city, with 5G connectivity, and renewable energy production systems.

International Smart City Conference, Milano, 13-15 November. Simultaneously with Smart Building Expo.