Knowledge vs climate change

Knowledge vs climate change
Knowledge vs climate change

Cycle of webinars and an open school with eight appointments in May

The pole Green HoMe supports with the laboratory ABITA Lab of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria a cycle of open webinars and an open school organized as part of the project Knowledge vs Climate Change, promoted by Thinking Meridian, PMopenlab srls e Reboot under the patronage of ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development).

For the topics covered and the connections with sustainable construction, the following appointments on architectural design, on the LEED certification and on digital technologies for sustainability they are of particular interest.

  • OPEN WEBINAR KvsCC su “Sustainable design and evaluation and certification tools”

14 maggio 2020 h.15-17
He: The webinar addresses the topics of sustainable design at the urban scale, neighborhood and building with the contribution of the Arch. Danilo Vespier with the story of his own professional experience carried out for many years with the RPBW – Renzo Piano Building Workshop and currently with his studio Vesper Architects
Speaker: Arch.Danilo Vespier (Vespier Architects)
They introduce: Prof. ssa C. Nava and Prof.. M. Milardi
Discussant: Prof. M. Lauria, Prof.ssa F.Giglio

19-21 maggio 2020 h.15-18
He: The webinar deals with topics of sustainability assessment and certification, transferring the experience and basic training contents onto Leed certification.
Speaker: Arch. Richard Hopps (Leed certification)
They introduce: Prof. ssa C. Nava and Prof.. M. Milardi
Discussant: Prof.C.Trombetta

  • OPENSCHOOL Innovation and transfer of digital skills

25-26-28-29 maggio, h. 9.30-12.30 / 15.00-18.00
Themes: The open school will provide content, tools and examples on the topics of’additive manufacturing (3 D) applied to prototyping at different scales; of the use of technologies Arduino for environmental monitoring; of the practices of infodesign connected to the communication of data management, processes, methodologies, results, impacts on research and experimentation topics connected to sustainable innovative processes; of the use of videostorytelling to narrate the innovation processes connected to project experiences, research and experimentation activities and results in the field of innovation and sustainability
Organization: PMopenlab srl, associated with Polo Green HoMe

Recipients. All activities are open to dArTe/PAU students of the University, to the members of the Pensando Meridiano Association and other young people under 35, to the companies and professionals of the Green HoMe Innovation Hub.

Participation is free but registration is required registration with this modulo on-line

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