MISE – Projects R&S circular economy

MISE – Projects R&S circular economy
MISE – Projects R&S circular economy

Attached to 10 December the opening of the MISE call (al 30 November precompilation)

The Sustainable Growth Fund for research and development projects in the circular economy, activated by the MISE with the decree 11 June 2020, supports the research, the development and testing of innovative solutions for the efficient and sustainable use of resources, with the aim of promoting the reconversion of production activities towards a circular economy model in which the value of the products, of materials and resources is maintained for as long as possible, and waste production is reduced to a minimum.

The projects must be aimed at the productive reconversion of economic activities within the circular economy, in one or more of the following lines of intervention:

  • product and process innovations regarding the efficient use of resources and waste treatment and transformation;
  • prototype design and testing of integrated technological models aimed at strengthening industrial symbiosis paths;
  • system, tools and methodologies for the development of supply technologies, the rational use and sanitization of water;
  • innovative technological tools capable of increasing the lifespan of products and making the production cycle more efficient;
  • experimentation of new intelligent packaging models (smart packaging) which also include the use of recovered materials;
  • multi-light material selection systems, in order to increase the recovery and recycling rates of small and light materials.

I eligible projects I am:

  • presented individually or jointly by industrial companies, agroindustriali, artisans, of services to industry and research centres;
  • carried out in local units in the national territory;
  • with eligible expenses and costs not less than 500 thousand euros and not exceeding 2 million euros;
  • lasting no less than 12 months and not exceeding 36 months.

Le concessions are granted in the form of subsidized loans to businesses for 50% of eligible costs and as a contribution to expenditure to the extent of 20% for micro and small businesses and research organisations, of the 15% for medium-sized businesses and 10% for large companies.

The equipment of the Fund is equal to 155 million for subsidized financing e 62 million to contribute to the expense

Le requests can be presented starting from the 10 December 2020; the pre-compilation procedure will be available from 30 November.

Useful links
MISE page

Source: MISE