Open UniCaLab call

Open UniCaLab call
Open UniCaLab call

New UniCaLab call for students and graduates for the development of a business idea

The fourth edition of the UniCaLab program is aimed at students and graduates interested in acquiring skills for the development of a business idea. UniCaLab can also be included in the study plan as an elective course from 6 CFU.

The notice, whose expiration date is set at 15 February 2021, will select 100 participants who will access the training program made up of meetings with experts; initiatives such as talks with exceptional guests, party meeting, participation in events related to the UniCaLab path; testimonials of successful startups and companies; community project; initiatives to increase the level of trust in fellow adventurers and to stimulate creativity.

For more information, to register for the call and to participate in the webinars presenting the initiative, please refer to the site

Next webinar Friday 5 February at 14:30 – registration