Guida ad Horizon Europe 2021-2027

Guida ad Horizon Europe 2021-2027
Guida ad Horizon Europe 2021-2027

The new Italian guide to Horizon Europe is available 2021-2027 curated by APRE

The next Framework Programme Horizon Europe 2021-2027 represents one of the most ambitious and advanced tools to foster transnational scientific collaboration and mobility in Europe. The economic availability of approx 96 billion euros will allow Europe to support and grow the most advanced and qualified research, the development and diffusion of technologies and innovation. But above all it will allow us to face the economic challenges, social and environmental, having as its horizon the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

To facilitate pre-information, AFTER (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) has published the Guide to the new EU Framework Program “Horizon Europe”.