“Evaluate urban regeneration”: the De-Sign project. Meeting day in Cosenza, il 20 October 2022

“Evaluate urban regeneration”: the De-Sign project. Meeting day in Cosenza, il 20 October 2022
“Evaluate urban regeneration”: the De-Sign project. Meeting day in Cosenza, il 20 October 2022

It will be held on Thursday 20 October (ore 10-13.30), at the Representative Hall of the Municipality of Cosenza, the day-meeting "Evaluating urban regeneration", as part of the De-Sign research project

Thursday 20 October, from 10:00 at 13.30, at the Representative Hall of the Municipality of Cosenza, the meeting day will be held "Evaluating urban regeneration", designed to present the activities of AENEAS e Confapi Calabria as part of the research project De-Signin the National Campaign for Information and Training on Energy Efficiency "Italy in Class A".

In the course of 2022–2023 institutions, businesses and citizens will be trained on the issues of energy efficiency and participatory urban regeneration, to encourage change at the local level and promote plans and strategies for the energy transition in the public and private sectors. The project De-Sign will see just the city ​​of Cosenza as an urban laboratory.

In this context Green Home will participate in the working table by telling the role of the Polo in the development of territorial policies open to urban regeneration and energy requalification, with a specific focus on the issue of energy poverty.

The day will end with a Lyric gala of the Brutia Symphony Orchestra scheduled at the Rendano Theater in Cosenza (ore 20.30) with music by Bizet, Donizetti, Leoncavallo, Mascagni, Puccini and Rossini.

To participate in the training morning in person, it is necessary to write to segreteria@culturaenergia.it.
For more information you can consult the Program of the Event.
Source: AENEAS