New Skills Fund: a new incentive for training in companies

New Skills Fund: a new incentive for training in companies
New Skills Fund: a new incentive for training in companies

Fondo Nuove Competenze as an instrument of active employment policy

The New Skills Fund it is an instrument of active policy, co-financed by European Social Fund. The objective of the Fund is to support companies and workers in the post-pandemic phase from Covid, through it skills development and personal training.

Managed byNational Agency for Active Labor Policies (ANPAL) with renewed methods in 2022 2023 (ANPAL tender 2022), the New Skills Fund, definitely, reimburses companies for lost earnings due to the hours invested in training.

The Fund is aimed at private employers, including publicly owned companies, who have signed by 31 December 2022 collective agreements for the remodulation of working hours aimed at training courses to increase the professionalism of workers in specific areas, also to be implemented during the year 2023.

The training areas recognized by the Fund mainly concern the creation of digital and green skills.
One of the novelties decided by the competent ministries is precisely that of having a training course that is totally transparent and guaranteed starting from its planning and up to the necessary certification of the outgoing skills.

The overall budget amounts to 1 billion euros, while the maximum overall contribution recognizable for each instance cannot exceed i 10 million euros.
In general, the Fund covers the costs related to the 100% of welfare and social security contributions (net of any tax relief available in the month of approval of the application for access to the Fund) he was born in 60% of the hourly wage for the hours devoted to training.

The questions are open from the 13 December 2022 al 23 February 2023, while the paths for the development of skills will have to be implemented within 150 days from the approval of the application.

The application can be presented by the legal representative or his delegate by logging in with SPID, CIE or CNS to the MyANPAL dedicated IT platform according to the criteria established by the tender.


The concessions provided by the Fondo Nuove Competenze can be combined with those provided by the Interprofessional Funds.