Innovative technologies and sustainability in the use of resources for the innovation and competitiveness of SMEs

Innovative technologies and sustainability in the use of resources for the innovation and competitiveness of SMEs
Innovative technologies and sustainability in the use of resources for the innovation and competitiveness of SMEs

DREAM: financial support for small-scale innovation-driven projects of SMEs

Officially open the tender of the European project DREAM, with the aim of financially supporting small projects (for a maximum of 30.000 euro in the form of a lump sum grant) involving SMEs and which consist of the integration and use of digital technologies in manufacturing production environments, aimed at accelerating market access for new digital products and services.

The call will provide financial support to two different types of actions:

  • prototyping: aimed at companies that have already carried out a feasibility study and need to develop a prototype, to engage in miniaturization, have tested, to experimentation, ecc.,
  • demonstration: aimed at companies that have already developed and tested a prototype, with the need to demonstrate its efficiency on a larger scale, in real environment.

The call is aimed at partnerships composed of at least two partners (including SMEs from the digital sector and private entities from the industrial sector) established in one of the countries participating in the Single Market Programme (SMP), that is to say:

  • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (PTOM)).
  • Non-EU countries: Listed EEA countries of the European Economic Area and countries associated to the COSME part of the Single Market Programme.

Deadline: 25 maggio 2023.

