Materials and Structures Engineering Laboratory

Materials and Structures Engineering Laboratory
Materials and Structures Engineering Laboratory


Referent: prof. Fabrizio GRECO,

Body: University of Calabria – Department of Civil Engineering (DINCI)

seat: via P. Bucci, Cubo 39B


  • Tel: 0984/496916
  • Web:/


  • 12 Workstation suitably equipped with numerical calculation and simulation software, oriented to structural design and complex computational analyzes.
  • Calculation codes supplied:
  • COMSOL Multiphysics: software for numerical modeling of multi-physical structural problems;
  • SismiCAD: software for finite element analysis and the design of new and existing structures
  • ABAQUS: software for numerical finite element analysis of structural problems


The scientific activity of the Laboratory is mainly addressed to the following topics: analysis of the behavior of traditional and innovative materials, study of advanced problems of continuum mechanics, analysis of the seismic behavior of the structures and of the consolidation and seismic adaptation techniques, advanced modeling and structural design techniques. Specifically, the services offered are:

  • analysis of the behavior of traditional and innovative materials ( damage problems in composite materials, homogenization techniques for heterogeneous materials, multiscale methods, fracture, de lamination);
  • study of advanced problems of continuum mechanics (stability, bifurcation, contact);
  • analysis of the seismic behavior of the structures and of the consolidation and seismic adaptation techniques (base insulation, dissipation);
  • advanced modeling and structural design techniques (structural reinforcement, structures made with composite materials, masonry structures, large works such as bridges of great span, etc.).
  • PON SILA. National Operational Program for Research and Competitiveness for the Convergence Regions – 2007/2013 – CCI: 2007IT161PO006 – Asse I: "Support for Structural Changes" – Operational objective "Strengthening of Structures and Scientific and Technological Equipment" – I Action: "Structural Strengthening".
  • National MIUR research project – 2007. Scientific coordinator: Prof. Carmelo Maiorana. Scientific director of the research unit Dep. of UNICAL Structures: Prof. Domenico Bruno. Title: “Fiber-reinforced composites: constitutive links and modeling of damage phenomena”.
  • RELUIS national research project (2010-2013), Research Line n.3. Title of the Research Line “Technological innovation in seismic engineering”.
  • MURST inter-university research project “Damage mechanics and durability of ordinary and high-performance concretes” co-financed in 2003. Scientific coordinator: Prof. Giovanni Romano. Scientific director of the research unit Dep. of UNICAL Structures: Prof. Domenico Bruno. Title: “High performance concrete structures: fracture, damage and reinforcement techniques”.
  • MURST inter-university research project “High Performance Concrete: Calculation and Design Methodologies and Regulatory Aspects” co-financed in 2001. Scientific coordinator: Prof. Giovanni Romano. Scientific director of the research unit Dep. of UNICAL Structures: Prof. Domenico Bruno. Title: “Mechanical behavior of structural elements in special reinforced concrete: theoretical-experimental investigation”.