June, 2023

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF WOODEN STRUCTURES - Third editionSummer School 2024 Course Tagevent,training


Course Details

The Summer School involves designers and technicians from the sector, in order to increase, share and disseminate information, highly specialized, on wooden design, which represents a not so frequently used solution, especially in the territorial context of the Calabria region, within which, working from a Short Chain perspective is highly facilitated by the structure of the territory. This, indeed, allows you to make a high contribution in terms of sustainability to technical design.

Objective of the Summer School it is also to enhance the activities carried out by the Polo within the Supply Chain 4 "Development of techniques and use of Calabrian wood certified for structural purposes", both in terms of scientific and industrial research, thanks to the different research projects that see it involved in this area.

The program the complete event can be consulted below link. Participation in the event guarantees recognition of Professional training credits (CFP) for Engineers, Architects and Agronomists registered with the relevant Orders of the province of Cosenza.

The location of the edition 2023 was confirmed again this year! Camigliati Tower was particularly appreciated during the first edition of the Summer School for the services offered and for the indisputable landscape-naturalistic value. For more information on how to reach Camigliati Tower you can consult the following guide.

Entries must be made by completing the form (on line) from the registration card.





course on an annual basis (2023) CET


Camigliati Tower

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